A passionate team

Want to find out who the people are behind Drijver Goalie Academy? We are happy to introduce ourselves!

Martijn Drijver

Founder of the Drijver Goalie Academy, Martijn has been training keepers in the Netherlands and abroad for over 35 years, from youth keepers to international level goalies. He’s seen it all, but still retains the energy of a young pup. Motivate, innovate and enjoy: that’s the mantra of every training session Martijn does.

Read more about Martijn



Denise Witjas

The hub of Goalie Academy, Denise is responsible for everything that happens behind the scenes. Besides that, she is the contact person for all keepers and parents. Do you have a question about the Drijver Goalie Academy, which she set up together with Martijn?

Then give Denise a call, or send her an email!



Our trainers

The training sessions at Drijver Goalie Academy are led by top trainers, personally trained by Martijn Drijver. All trainers follow the Drijver Goalie System, the training philosophy that Martijn has developed over the past 35 years.

Our trainers are goalkeepers who currently train or have trained with Martijn himself. They generally play in the Premier or Promotion League and understand better than anyone the importance of good training.

Because our trainers are positive and constructive, the goalkeepers stand in the goal with even more joy and confidence.